Listen: Scuba Scuba / The Revillos
Here’s the deal. I love The Revillos. And I love The Rezillos. Basically, same band. If memory serves me well, they changed their name, well one letter of it, to get out of an old record deal, and into a new one. I didn’t bother to Wikipedia this detail, so maybe I’m dreaming. But I don’t think so.
A few years back, The Rezillos came to New York, probably the entire USA, I’m actually not sure. All I know is, there was no way I was about to miss that one.
You know, these things can be wicked bad when a band is so far along from their heyday. Not the case here.
Wow! They were just tremendous live. Almost as though not a day had past since…whenever it was they last played as a current act.
Very bizarre that a whole band, a decade or more on, look exactly the same, plus play faster and tighter than ever. If a one sentence review was needed, there you have it. Plus no new songs to drag and scrape the audience through either, just the hits.
After the show, I wormed my way into the dressing room. What a great bunch of folks, so appreciative, so kind, so lovely.
I could have written about any 45 they’d released. All great. All musts.
I had one jukebox tab, and chose ‘Scuba Scuba’ for Fay to sign. Luckily, she remembered the B side.
Above: Jukebox Tab signed by Fay Fife
Tags: Dindisc, Fay Fife, The Revillos, The Rezillos