Listen: Drama / L7 L7Drama.mp3
Why the fuck can’t Suzi and Donita settle their differences and get back out there? God knows we need a female led, raw, powerful, filthy rock and roll band. Plus I will admit it: Suzi Gardner – I love you. Your short hair with the black roots in the back and the S&M cap sent me thru the roof at The Bowery Ballroom – one of the best shows I’ve ever seen – and yup, that was me right the in front, shouting obscenities, along with about 30 other hardcore Suzi sickos.
Glad I finally found this footage with that genius haircut:
I challenge anyone to write a song as good as ‘Drama”, which also has one of the two best guitar solos ever committed to tape. EVER. And the other one is……..coming soon.
Tags: Donita Sparks, L7, Suzi Gardner