Listen: Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah / The Pogues PoguesYeahmp3.mp3
Somehow I ended up working with The Pogues at Island. It all happened so quickly, I honestly can’t remember much about the deal. I was going through one of those blurry stages – spending a bunch of time in London during the acid house days so…..
But definitely a fun, fun bunch. Their managers at the time, Frank Murray and Joey Cashman (who’s still with them), were as big a riot as the band. Never hassled the label to get them airplay, or do anything really, just make sure the records were in the stores and the press was covering it. Piece of cake. The reputation of the band did the rest. Their live business was always through the roof – still is. Seeing them in a few weeks and as always, it’ll be a great night out.
When this single was delivered, I thought it might get some play. We scheduled it straight off – not a usual response when a track isn’t part of an existing or upcoming album. Conveniently, US alternative radio was going mainstream then (’89) – and indeed it got some attention. The video deserved more looks but MTV was changing, and not really representing the street. Never mind, they did fine without it.
That’s Frank Murray introducing them: