Archive for the ‘UK Records’ Category
Friday, September 20th, 2013

Listen: Air Travel / Chris Farlowe
A perfectly beautiful late Sunday afternoon in London during November, for me means cold, damp and drizzly, with plenty of grey. It was one such day in ’07 that Roger Armstrong and I made our way to the long standing Agra Indian Restaurant on Whitfield Street just near the Warren Street tube station after a long day at his big wooden kitchen table, rigged up with a turntable, his 45 library room at arm’s reach, post that morning’s Record Fair on Great Portland Street.
Agra has been around for decades. By many standards, the place needs a proper remolding. Not by my standards though. A half step down off the sidewalk onto the tatty, sticky carpet, the main room complete with that old England smell would convince anyone the place has serious history. It’s too close to hundreds of historic music landmarks not to. Capitol Radio was just the other side of the tube, Jonathan King’s UK Records office on Warren at Whitfield, University College where David Bowie & The Lower Third, The Riot Squad and Timebox amongst so many others played, not to mention the square adjacent, the precise spot where The Syn did their photo shoot on the tarmac of Whitfield Place.
In addition, the food is great. Not all fusion fussy and overly decorated. Not decorated at all really, just old fashioned home style Indian. Despite being about two blocks from where I lived that summer ’73, it wasn’t until decades later that Roger introduced me to the place.
Upon our exit on that particular day, what better than to find Chris Farlowe at that very first table, right near the doorway, sitting in front of a spread fit for three people. Apparently, he lived with his Mom just down the block for years.
More history in the making, not unlike this miserably rare UK EP, released in ’66 off the back of his new found chart success on Immediate that summer. Assembled from the A and B sides of his only solo single for Decca plus two unreleased songs from the same time. That time by the way, was ’64. Seemingly lifetimes prior to said summer and sounding it too. Pretty interesting to hear how unblemished his voice was just those few years earlier.
Tags: Capitol Radio, Chris Farlowe, David Bowie & The Lower Third, Decca, Immediate, Jonathan King, The Riot Squad, Timebox, UK Records
Posted in Capitol Radio, Chris Farlowe, David Bowie & The Lower Third, Decca, Immediate, Jonathan King, The Riot Squad, The Syn, Timebox, UK Records | Comments Off
Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Listen: I’ll Slap Your Face / A Handful Of Cheek
King Of The Hooks, as Jonathan King was known, kept a non-stop flow of pop novelty singles coming from his UK Records imprint during the early 70′s. Initially distributed by Decca and later Polydor, some deservedly became the occasional hit.
Clearly, all these one-off releases were from his own musical pen, when not picking up the occasional left field Reggae (Carl Malcolm), Northern (The Devonnes) or American Soul (Hoagy Lands) master that is.
JK always came up with hysterical synonyms for himself and his hired musicians. In this case, A Handful Of Cheek.
When visiting London in March ’77 with Corinne, we made the rounds of all the labels, blagging records. Howard set us up with Andrew Lauder at United Artists, and folks at Chrysalis, Charisma, etc. No one was about to bother with UK, deemed quite unhip despite 10CC and The Kursaal Flyers. Maybe others looked down their nose at UK, but certainly not me.
Maintaing a small office just near the entrance to Warren Street tube, the very nice receptionist gladly opened the cupboards and pulled out a good fifty singles for me to take back home for my US college station. Bless her. A Handful Of Cheek was among them.
Starting with a glam drum sound, ‘I’ll Slap Your Face’ soon turns into one of my favorite Jonathan King novelties. Dropping in the orchestral backing at the key change is an unexpected and undeniable example of why King Of The Hooks, even if self appointed, is undeniably justified.
Tags: 10CC, A Handful Of Cheek, Andrew Lauder, Carl Malcolm, Charisma, Chrysalis, Decca, Hoagy Lands, Jonathan King, Polydor, The Devonnes, The Kursaal Flyers, UK Records, United Artists
Posted in 10CC, A Handful Of Cheek, Andrew Lauder, Carl Malcolm, Charisma, Chrysalis, Decca, Hoagy Lands, Howard Thompson, Jonathan King, Polydor, The Devonnes, The Kursaal Flyers, UK Records, United Artists | Comments Off
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Listen: Sea Side Shuffle / Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs
Sea Side Shuffle / Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs
John Lewis wrote and recorded ‘Sea Side Shuffle’ with Brett Marvin & The Thunderbolts, having recently joined as lead singer, and around that very time, changed his professional name to Jona Lewie. Their 1971 version, in the Mungo Jerry vein, who were having great initial success with a similar busking skiffle sound, flopped.
Partnering with Jonathan King for what was meant to be a one off re-release on UK Records, the boys used the pseudonym, Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs, and had a surprise UK, possible pain in the ass, #2 in July ’72. Now what?

Listen: She Left I Died / Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs
She Left I Died / Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs
A few follow ups. Not hard to figure that one out.
‘She Left I Died’ was the second such shot at another career surprise and also a sweet find, both acetate and UK demo pressing, at the UK Records mitzvah (see previous post) last Thursday.
Not having found real footing just yet, the record easily predicts pub rock and Jona Lewie’s ulitmate late 70′s anthem. A few listens in and ‘She Left I Died’ is hard not to love.
Jonathan King does it again.
Tags: Brett Marvin & The Thunderbolts, Jona Lewie, Jonathan King, Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs, UK Records
Posted in Brett Marvin & The Thunderbolts, Jona Lewie, Jonathan King, Terry Dactyl & The Dinosaurs, UK Records | Comments Off
Monday, May 16th, 2011

Listen: Excerpts From ‘What’s So Great About UK Records’
Excerpts From 'What's So Great About UK Records'
Thursday May 12, 2011. Mike Goldsmith is driving toward his parking garage on W 57th Street, and spots the daily church sidewalk sale’s tables, just between 9th and 10th Ave, are filled with boxes of records. First rule: abort all other plans and check out records at just this type of miracle, which he does. What does he find? Hundreds of UK Records and UK Records related items, including master tapes, acetates and more. So my phone rings around 9:30am, with a quick order to get over there fast. Fifteen minutes later I’m double timing out of the Columbus Circle subway stop and hoofing it towards the sale.
Turns out this stash represented what was left behind by Jonathan King, who kept a NY apartment just one doorway down from the church’s location. His relatives cleaned out much of what they thought he might want, and the rest was going to charity. Luckily, I had a connection to the great man, and he emailed to confirm and explain. So there you go.
Even these left overs included an array of jaw droppers. The first of which I’ve posted above. Good thing I had no idea this teaser 7″ sampler existed prior, or I’d have been searching hard for years.
I must say, for a guy with such an ear for pop, I admit baffle when it comes to JK’s faith in Ricky Wilde’s vocal capabilities. Maybe he was angling toward sister Kim. That would make sense. Poor Tina Harvey, well she’s not far behind. Offset that with 10cc and Roy C, and all is forgiven, easily forgotten to be exact.
Another UK Records find in tomorrow’s post.
Tags: 10CC, Jonathan King, Kim Wilde, Mike Goldsmith, Ricky Wilde, Roy C, Tina Harvey, UK Records
Posted in 10CC, Jonathan King, Kim Wilde, Mike Goldsmith, Ricky Wilde, Roy C, Tina Harvey, UK Records | Comments Off
Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

Listen: Dawn / Chris Farlowe & The Thunderbirds
Dawn / Chris Farlowe & The Thunderbirds
A perfectly beautiful late Sunday afternoon in London during November to me is cold, damp and drizzly, with plenty of grey. It was one such day in ’07 that Roger and I made our way to the long standing Agra Indian Restaurant on Whitfield Street just near the Warren Street tube station after a long day at his big wooden kitchen table, rigged up with a turntable, his 45 library room at arm’s reach, post that morning’s Record Fair on Great Portland Street.
Agra has been around for decades, and by many standards, needs a proper remolding. Not mine though. A half step down off the sidewalk onto the tatty, sticky carpet, the main room complete with that old England smell, convinces me the place has serious history. It’s too close to hundreds of historic music landmarks not to. Capitol Radio was just the other side of the tube, Jonathan King’s UK Records office on Warren at Whitfield, University College where David Bowie & The Lower Third, The Riot Squad, and Timebox amongst so many others played, not to mention the square adjacent, the precise spot where The Syn did their photo shoot on the tarmac of Whitfield Place.
Oh yeah, the food is great too. Not all fusion fussy and overly decorated. Not decorated at all really, just old fashioned home style Indian. Despite being about two blocks from where I lived that summer ’73, it wasn’t until decades later that Roger introduced me to the place. We took our time, covered a lot, as we do.
Upon our exit, what better than to find Chris Farlowe at that very first table, right near the doorway, sitting in front of a spread fit for three people. Apparently, he lives with his Mom just down the block. More history in the making.
Tags: Capitol Radio, Chris Farlowe & The Thunderbirds, David Bowie & The Lower Third, Immediate, Jonathan King, The Riot Squad, The Syn, Timebox, UK Records
Posted in Capitol Radio, Chris Farlowe & The Thunderbirds, David Bowie & The Lower Third, Immediate, Jonathan King, Roger Armstrong, The Riot Squad, The Syn, Timebox, UK Records | Comments Off
Sunday, December 26th, 2010

Listen: Round Round / Jonathan King JonathanKingRoundRound.mp3
With this blog nudging towards it’s third birthday, the one guy constantly crossing my mind that’s overdue for a post is Jonathan King. Forget the many acts he produced, and forget the many more he signed to his label, UK Records. The single releases as a solo artist on his own are daunting. Therein lies the reason a Jonathan King post has yet to appear. Didn’t know where to start.
It dawned on me only today, I probably won’t live forever. Therefore suddenly high on the list of missions to accomplish was getting to the Jonathan King singles for some posts. This is the first. More are planned.
Pretty near the top of my JK chart, maybe even at the top, is ‘Round Round’. Given that scouring radio station surveys on eBay has become an addictive pass time, it’s hard not to notice ‘Round Round’ appearing pretty often on local stations all around the country throughout the spring and early summer of ’67. Despite the amount of airplay the record clearly got starting in April, it didn’t chart high nationally, peaking at only #122 on Billboard’s Bubbling Under The Hot 100 during a five week stay. My guess is had the radio play been concentrated during a shorter timeframe, the record would have achieved a much higher chart number.
I recall my first time hearing ‘Round Round’, during a Sunday drive through the countryside Mom and Dad would occasionally take us on. A most perfect soundtrack to an early spring, post thaw, upstate New York, winter is finally behind us afternoon. One listen and there was no question, despite it’s message, I needed this happy and bouncy anti-drugs single.
To this day, when on occasion, there’s a copy in a store stack or at the record fairs, I grab it. You can never have too many.
Tags: Decca, Jonathan King, Parrot, UK Records
Posted in Decca, Jonathan King, Parrot, UK Records | Comments Off
Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Listen: Rubber Bullets / 10cc 10ccRubber.mp3
I was surprised to see a recent Bob Lefsetz post about 10cc. His musical taste occasionally crosses paths with mine: The Kinks, The Ramones, The Lo Fidelity Allstars and a few others here and there. But he’s usually way west coast soft rock compared to my way east across the Atlantic preferences. A better commentary on the music industry, technology and life issues you’ll have a hard time finding. Check him out.
Surprisingly, he discovered 10cc upon their arrival in ’72, as most Americans didn’t.
‘Rubber Bullets’ was the band’s first UK #1 (US #73), back when they were on Jonathan King’s UK Records (get everything you see on his imprint), and was never off the radio or pub jukeboxes during that English summer. Just about every track by these guys had some oddly appealing production twist that was just not like anything else before and a true precursor to The Buggles. On ‘Rubber Bullets’, for instance, can you hear the drum kit other than during the rolls? Not really. And who noticed. Throw in the doo wop vocals bits (not uncommon for 10cc), bizarre lyrics and you’ve got a spot in history.
Most of their stuff was both funny and socially biting, hence way too thought provoking for the US programmer, usually religating them to radio’s embarrassingly long ignore them list.
Tags: 10CC, Bob Lefsetz, Jonathan King, The Buggles, The Kinks, The Lo Fidelity Allstars, The Ramones, UK Records
Posted in 10CC, Bob Lefsetz, Jonathan King, The Buggles, The Kinks, The Lo Fidelity Allstars, The Ramones, UK Records | No Comments »
Saturday, May 8th, 2010

Listen: Shotgun Wedding / Roy C RoycShotgun.mp3
You’d think this was originally recorded down Jamaica way, given the record’s audio quality seemingly captures not only the sound associated with the lilting rhythms of early ska recordings, in that rock steady and blue beat style, but the very time period as well. Like Roy C himself, the recording is New York based.
A UK #6 in ’66 on Island, yet despite a dated sound even for ’72, it still re-entered and peaked at #8 in England when reissued on Jonathan King’s Decca distributed UK label. A bit of a timeless audio document, it’s addicting in the same way ‘Harlem Shuffle’ by Bob & Earl, another New York recording, still is today. The power of a great record seldom dies.
Tags: Blue Beat, Bob & Earl, Island, Jonathan King, Rock Steady, Roy C, Ska, UK Records
Posted in Blue Beat, Bob & Earl, Island, Jonathan King, Rock Steady, Roy C, Ska, UK Records | No Comments »
Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

Listen: Fatty Bum Bum / Carl Malcolm CarlMalcolmFatty.mp3

Listen: Miss Wire Waist / Carl Malcolm CarlMalcolmMissWireWaist.mp3
Despite the one hit wonder tag, his #8 UK singles placing from ’75 is a perfect pop-reggae classic. Produced by Clive Chin, not only famous for his work with Augustus Pablo, Black Uhuru and The Wailers, but is self credited as having made the very first dub album. Pretty nice.
This pop hit, further categorized as ‘maybe not so credible’ due mostly to becoming popular, but also because it’s release on Jonathan King’s rather fantastic UK Records imprint meant it was considered mainstream and polished. Like that’s bad – even if the song is great? Jonathan King had impeccable talents for spotting hits as well as recording them. Well I loved this song – from the first listen.
And in a perfect marketing ploy (get all the girls big and small), Carl Malcolm and UK Records released ‘Miss Wire Waist’ as the hopeful, and deserving followup single. It really should’ve been a hit and brought Carl to a higher career plateau. It wasn’t meant to be – well not as recording artist. Year later, you can find him drumming solidly for the Melodians.
Tags: Augustus Pablo, Black Uhuru, Carl Malcolm, Clive Chin, Jonathan King, The Melodians, The Wailers, UK Records
Posted in Black Uhuru, Carl Malcolm, Clive Chin, Jonathan King, The Melodians, The Wailers, UK Records | No Comments »
Monday, July 27th, 2009

Listen: The Bump / Kenny KennyBump.mp3

Listen: Julie Anne / Kenny KennyJulie.mp3

Listen: Glam Raid / The Space Raiders SpaceRaidersGlamRaid.mp3
There’s a great compilation titled GLITTER FROM THE LITTER BIN; 20 JUNK SHOP GLAM RARITIES. It’s a fun listen but it’s the message here that counts. Long snubbed as uncool, juvenile, manufactured, throwaway – you name it, I could never quite understand everyone’s problem with glam. The production was fantastic, drum and treble heavy, fun clothes and haircuts to match, and a threatening mix of androgyny (which indeed were assets to David Bowie, T, Rex or Roxy Music when convenient). No problem here. I was a proud fan and collector.
Kenny (band not person) churned out some hits, including these two masterpieces. Written by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter, as with all their material, ‘The Bump’ is a literal blueprint of glam. Fair enough, The Sweet, Slade, Sparks and Wizzard can equally claim such feats, but that doesn’t void out ‘The Bump’. Although released on Mickie Most’s RAK Records in the UK, Kenny flip flopped from pilar to post label-wise in the US. ‘The Bump’ was picked up by Jonathan King in the States, issuing it on his UK Records imprint through London. Sampled years later by The Space Raiders on their fantastic ‘Glam Raid’ (listen above), it verified some needed credibility to the song’s worth.
‘Julie Anne’ probably veered a bit more mainstream teen pop than glam, but the effervescent sound of super K was well intact. A pop classic.
Tags: Bill Martin, David Bowie, Glam, Glitter From The Litter Bin, Jonathan King, Kenny, London Records, Mickie Most, Phil Coulter, RAK, Roxy Music, Slade, Sparks, T. Rex, The Space Raiders, The Sweet, UK Records, Wizzard
Posted in Bill Martin, David Bowie, Glam, Glitter From The Litter Bin, Jonathan King, Kenny, London Records, Mickie Most, Phil Coulter, RAK, Roxy Music, Slade, Sparks, T. Rex, The Space Raiders, The Sweet, UK Records, Wizzard | No Comments »