Listen: Don’t Hit Me No More / Mable John
What about these lyrics? I wonder if a label would even dare ask their artist to sing them in this day and age?
I recall seeing ‘Don’t Hit Me No More’ in the mark down bin at Woolworth’s and sprang for the 39ยข. Besides, I’d seen but not heard one too many Mable John, sister of Little Willie John, singles by then, seemingly a new one every three or four months. Always a meager few neatly displayed in the RnB section at Walt’s Records, the downtown Syracuse shop that carried ten or so copies of anything English that had reached their charts and released in The US.
Likewise, the store was chock full of all the current deep blues and soul singles. Those hovering anywhere near the BILLBOARD RnB chart had their own real estate on the shelves as well. It was anybody’s guess which were the greats amongst them, but once they hit those discount bins, label, writer, producer and in this case, song title pointed this little kid toward many a cherished item all these years later.