Posts Tagged ‘Mark Ronson’

Nina Hagen

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Listen: Zarah / Nina Hagen

She never sat in my office at Columbia. Nina Hagen was before my time, but during Howard’s. I don’t recall his memories being flattering. Not unlike her records, she was apparently rather primal.

Her vocal styled in that walking dead voice always took the prize for best dynamic moment on any track, although I’d have to say Mike Thorne was best at dragging that out of her on NUNSEXMONKROCK from ’82, one album and one year prior to ‘Zarah’. In fact, my all time favorite Nina Hagen track from said album, ‘Born In Xixax’, never graced a 7″. Luckily, ‘Zarah’ came in a close second.

Good call on someone’s part paring her with Giorgio Moroder, and, the 80′s version of today’s Mark Ronson fifteen minutes of fame producer, Keith Forsey. The track is superb, soldiering along proudly in the shadow of Sparks ‘Beat The Clock’, another Giorgio Moroder production from three years earlier.

Man, remember when records began to sound really expensive? Looking back, ‘Zarah’ was totally in that fast lane.


Monday, December 21st, 2009

BassomaticPS, Bassomatic, William Orbit, Mark Ronson

Listen: Fascinating Rhythym / Bassomatic BassomaticFascinatingRhythm.mp3

William Orbit, the guy behind, or should I say, the guy who basically was Bassomatic, became the most in demand remixer/producer after ‘Fascinating Rhythm’ hit. For good reason. Despite it’s inability to live beyond the acid house goes mainstream period of 1990, when it peaked at #9 in the UK, it’s a pretty fantastic song. The accompanying SET THE CONTROLS FOR THE HEART OF THE BASS takes the prize as best-ever tongue in cheek album title, and quite frankly one that made me want to hear it. I did. I own the disc, but can’t remember if it was as great as the title implies. It may well be, but I didn’t give it much of a chance. Someday.

I was in London when ‘Fascinating Rhythm’ came on Radio 1. Gary Crowley was driving us along Holland Park Avenue from St. Peter’s Square during a bumper to bumper Friday rush hour in late September. We’d been to the pub and were desperate to get to Brown’s and see Jake. It was pouring but Oxford Street was hopping. And the radio was jamming with KLF, Andy Weatherall’s version of Primal Scream, Orbital, The Stone Roses and Deee-lite. Seems like all England wanted to do was dance. We got caught up. Almost didn’t want to arrive, it was like one great track after the other.

You’d return home and I learned as soon as that plane touched down at JFK, it was time to leave the great party on the radio behind. Back to the US airwaves it was.

William Orbit was then much like Mark Ronson is now. Had a few monsters so along comes all the politically correct and connected acts paying big bucks for the same magic wand to elevate them up the credibilty and financial ladder. These things always end in tears of course but some great remixes came out along that path.

Back to square one. Nothing by Bassomatic topped ‘Fascinating Ryhthm’ that I know of. And that is perfectly okay.